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  • Writer's pictureSunny Badyal

Preventive Dentistry | Trusted Dental Near Me

Preventive dentistry is a dental practice of caring for our teeth and gums to keep them healthy. Regularly practicing them reduces the chance of cavities, gum disease, enamel wear and other dental problems.

Moreover, the preventive dentistry is regarded as the cheapest mode of dental care as it saves you from dental treatment expenses. According to the dental experts, the preventive dentistry techniques are designed in a way that promotes clean, white and strong teeth and healthy gums. Let’s look at some of the major preventive dentistry practices for optimal health:

Brush your teeth twice daily

It is recommended by the oral health experts that one should brush twice a day to make sure your teeth are healthy. According to a study, brushing your teeth before going to sleep is the best time as we get rid of plaque and germs which were accumulated throughout the day.

Give importance to flossing

Most of the people neglect to floss and think brushing is adequate for oral health maintenance. Flossing is an effective means of removing plaque and germs in between teeth and results in better cleaning of them as compared to brushing.

Do not ignore cleaning your tongue

Plaque also builds on the tongue like teeth and it also needs regular cleaning in order to prevent bad breath which can result in other health problems as well. Just make sure you clean your tongue gently every time you brush your teeth.

Use of fluoride toothpaste

It is highly recommended by the oral health experts to make sure that you toothpaste contains fluoride in it. It is an essential element for fighting against tooth decay.

Use of mouthwash

Mouthwash is an effective oral health product which helps in reducing the amount of acid in the mouth, cleans the areas where it is hard to brush and re-mineralizes the teeth. Mouthwash is quite popular amongst the young and old who find it a more ideal option with respect to brushing and flossing.

Drink plenty of water

We all know how important water is for our overall health. Drinking more water washes out sticky and acidic foods. Water also contains fluoride which makes sure we are having daily intake of fluoride for overall health.

Visit your dentist twice annually

It is suggested to go for regular checkups once every six months so that the dentist can give inputs regarding any potential issues and know ways to prevent them.

Benefits of Preventive Dentistry:

  • Prevention of oral health problems like cavities, periodontitis, gingivitis and many more.

  • Prevention of diseases linked with oral health like diabetes, heart disease, respiratory disease and cancer.

  • It saves your time and money by preventing any dental treatment.

  • It keeps your smile natural and appealing.

The Bottomline

Maintenance of oral health is necessary as it is the place from where our food enters our digestive system. Bad oral hygiene not only increase chances of dental problems but also enhances the chances of other diseases like diabetes and heart diseases. For dental consultations, visit Tooth by Sunny Badyal which provides top class dentistry services and you will also feel why it is known as one of the most trusted dental near me.

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